Friday, December 28, 2007


Why was everyone staring at me? I was taking the bus to the pet store on Master's orders, and had some tasks to complete while there, but everyone was staring at me. I made a quick check of my marks: even under my mini skirt my rope was well concealed. The marks on my inner-thinghs were completely hidden, the words on each breast could not be seen, save for a momentary glimpse if I moved just right. Was it just the novelty of seeing a girl dressed in mini-skirt and tank top in the snow? Seemingly everyone in the bus was staring at me.

I departed the bus at the shopping center. Best Buy, Old Navy...a bunch of other stores of no consequence, and my destination: Petsmart.

The automatic door opened for me, and I walked in, snow falling from my shoe as I stepped inside. "umm...where can I find dog chains?" I asked of the cashier. A boy about my age. He seemed more interested in my nipples, poking through my tank top, but pointed me in the right direction. I couldn't believe the sheer number of collars, chains, leashes, seemingly hundreds. I reach out and grab a choke chain. I loosen it and slip it over my head. It's cold against my chest. Heavy. I man turns down the aisle and sees me wearing it. I feel a rush come over me, my face is turning bright red, I can sense it, but I don't say anything.

I put the chain back and grab a collar. Red. Again, I loosen it and slip it over my head. Two girls approach, no older than 12. "How does this look?" I ask. They just look at me, don't answer.

Moving down the aisle I grab another collar, I hold it gently waiting for another person to come down my aisle. Soon an old man is approaching me, at least 75 years old. He probably served in the military, I can't help but wonder what he thinks of me, do I remind him of a British prostitute he fucked 50 years ago? Do I remind him of his grand daughter? "Excuse me, sir," I say. "How do you think this would look on me?" I hold it up next to my face. He's confused.
"On you?"
"Oh...well, it would look good I suppose."
He is too sweet. Reminds me a little of my own grandpa (RIP). "What leash would go best with it?" I fit the collar over around my neck as he searches for a leash. I want to drop to all fours, have him lead me around the store on a rope working it's way deep into my cunt.
"This should work," he says. His words ripping me from my fantasy.
"Thank you," I say, taking it from his hand. I remove the collar from my neck and bring the items to the cash register. Handing them to the cashier he says "looks like somebody got a puppy for Christmas."
"'re dog's getting new stuff?"
What would my Master want me to say? My face turns bright red. "It's for me." I point to my tag: Puppy Girl. Can he see the words written just inches away from it? If so, would he know? would he understand? what would he think of me? what if he saw me pissing in my backyard yesterday?

He doesn't say another word, just rings up my items and takes my money.

Back at home I drop to my hands and knees as soon as I enter the house. I crawl to my room and take my clothes off. Back in my uniform: rope and marks. That's all i want to wear for the rest of my life. I get the urge to pee and head to the bathroom, but halfway there I turn and go towards the back door. I follow my tracks to the same spot from yesterday...still a yellow mark in the snow. This time there is no delay. It comes easily. Feels natural. I wipe my cunt off with snow and crawl back into the house.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

yellow snow

As I awoke this morning the house was strangely quiet. Glancing over at my alarm clock I realize the power is out. Reaching over, I grab my marker to do the first of my morning rituals for what will hopefully be a long time to come: I trace over the words from the previous day..."Master Andy's Slave" on my stomach. "Slut" on my left breast, "bitch" on my right. "Whore" on one inner thigh, "slave" on the other. For the past few months I have been on my own. Nobody but the slave knows the pleasure of being owned.

I grab my rope, my uniform. Slowly, methodically, I run it over my pussy, between my legs, then wrapped around my waste. My cunt is tender where it rubbed most of the evening yesterday. A thin red line traces my waist, around my stomach, just under the mark I'm so proud to wear.

Mom and Dad are both gone, and will be until this evening, so I go downstairs wearing only my rope and my markings. The power blinks back on. I rush upstairs to check my email, knowing my Master sent me a schedule. I barely have time to read His email when the power goes out again. One thing in his message intrigued me more than any other. It was "optional" but as soon as I read it I knew that I had to do it for him. For me. For both of us.

I open the back door to a blanket of virgin white. Three inches of fresh snow. I drop to my knees and crawl into it. Surely, anyone watching would think I'm crazy. Naked, but for my rope, I crawl around the corner of the house to the most hidden part of the backyard. I wait. My hands and knees burning from the cold. I loosen the rope, not wanting to soil it, then wait more. I know I have to go, but I can't. Is it nerves? the cold? why can't I pee? I am determined. It starts to snow lightly, the fluffy flakes falling on my naked back, melting there. My nipples erect in the cold. Then, like a wave, it comes over me.

Before I even know what's going on, golden pee is steaming out of me. My face blushes. I'm embarassed to be on all fours in my backyard, naked, peeing. But at the same time, I have never felt this free. Finally I stop peeing. I turn to look. My piss leaving a yellow spot in the snow. It steams. Should I cover it up? I decide not to and begin to crawl back to the house. Warm droplets of piss work their way down my legs as I crawl. I stand as I reach the back door. It feels funny, standing. I belong on all fours.

I grab a handful of snow and wipe the trail of piss off my leg, then rub the freezing white snow on my cunt to get rid of any remaing pee, replace the rope, and head into the house. It's going to be a long day, waiting for the power to come back on so I can be with my Master.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It's cold on my chest.

"Puppy Girl"

A gift from my Master. It's been too long since I wore it. I actually only wore it once before, but now I have the honor again. The sterling silver heart, embedded with "Puppy Girl" rests between my breasts. The beauty of the silver in stark contrast with the clothespins clipped tight on my nipples. On the left breast the word "slut" written in permanent marker. "Whore" on the right. My Master's orders.

I am happy to be able to mark myself with his words. It's been more than a year since I spoke with my Master, but this year, I received the best Christmas present ever. Not only did I talk to him, but he decided to allow me to serve him again. I know I'm not worthy, but I hope to prove my worth over the next year.

In stark contrast to the coolness of my tag, my cunt is burning. My Master has me roped, and I've been fetching tonight. Each time I crawl across the room the rope rubs my cunt raw. It hurts, but feels good at the same time. I know I don't deserve the pleasure, and the pain is nothing compared to what is most likely coming my way...punishment for past actions. After each trip across the room I glance up at the computer screen to see if He has messaged me. No message. I fetch again. The rope leaves a red mark just under the words "Master Andy's Slave" on my stomach. It works its way deeper as I crawl on hands and knees.

He sends me down to eat dinner with my parents. The rope still in place. Under my pants, they have no idea that pleasure and pain are battling over my body. Every time I shift in my seat, the rope slides, and it's all I can do to keep from moaning. I finish dinner in record time and sprint back upstairs to my room. I strip off my clothes and put the clothespins back on my nipples. Wearing nothing but clothespins and a rope. Just as my Master wishes. He is not overly demanding. He gives me a list of rules. Just five of them:

1.) I'm your Master, obviously... no other masters unless I approve.

2.) I control your pleasure now, so I tell you when and how you'll be allowed to masturbate. You can ask for permission

3.) Dress code: When on with me, or doing an assignment for me, you're to be naked, unless I specify otherwise. When wearing clothes, bra and panties are a no-no without permission, and only skirts and the most revealing tops are permissible. Any hair not growing from your head is to be removed and kept removed.

4.) I say, you do. Simple enough.

5.) Read and obey rules 1-4.